Disassemblers For Mac

  • APNG Disassembler v.rcThis program converts APNG file into a sequence of individual PNG frames. Simple command-line interface.Also, APNG Assembler can be found at ...
  • IDA PRO for Mac v.6.0IDA Pro is a Windows or Linux or Mac OS X hosted multi-processor disassembler and debugger that offers so many features it is hard to describe them all. Just grab an evaluation version if you want a test drive. An executive summary is provided for ...
  • Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC emulator for UNIX v.2.1IMAVR is Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC chip emulator for UNIX. You can run your code before programming to chip. Embedded simple debugger and disassembler. Emulate wide range of AVR chip, wide range of their modules: EEPROM,USART, timers and so ...
  • Beye v.rcBEYE (Binary EYE) is a free, portable, advanced file viewer with built-in editor for binary, hexadecimal and disassembler modes. It contains a highlight AVR/Java/i86-AMD64/ARM-XScale/PPC-64 and other disassembler, full preview of MZ,NE,PE,ELF and ...
  • JasminParser v.1.0JasminParser is a Jasmin (Java Assembler, .j file) compiler based on the Apache BCEL. JasminParser provides a disassembler and an assembler to convert java classes and jasmin files to each ...
  • Jbytecode v.0.4jbytecode is a Java bytecode disassembler/assembler written in Python. Dissasembly code is aligned with Java bytecodes in the class file so modification and re-assembly is always possible, even when class is ...
  • JReversePro - Java Decompiler v.rcJReversePro is a Java Decompiler / Disassembler written in Java. Facility to view the ConstantPool contents is available. AWT, Swing and command-line versions are ...
  • JTools for Ruby v.0.3JTools.Ruby is easy way to access Java 2 class-files via scripts written in Ruby language. There are class-file disassembler, assembler and simple Ruby to Java bytecode compiler. The work is at the start ...
  • ZILF v.0.3A set of tools for working with the ZIL interactive fiction language, including a compiler, assembler, disassembler, and game ...
Disassembler software by TitlePopularityFreewareLinuxMac
Today's Top Ten Downloads for Disassembler

The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) is the most famous, providing an old build as a free version or the most updated version for a yearly fee. Another paid disassembler is Hopper, which is available for the Mac and Linux operating systems. A variety of free. What's new in Pic18 Disassembler Minor Bug fix for the Configuration fuses. Minor Bug fix for branches outside the hex file. Minor Bug fix for MOVFF to lookup register names.

  • IDA PRO for Mac IDA Pro is a Windows or Linux or Mac OS X hosted
  • Beye BEYE (Binary EYE) is a free, portable, advanced file viewer
  • Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC emulator for UNIX IMAVR is Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC chip emulator for UNIX. You
  • Jbytecode jbytecode is a Java bytecode disassembler/assembler written
  • JasminParser JasminParser is a Jasmin (Java Assembler, .j file) compiler
  • JReversePro - Java Decompiler JReversePro is a Java Decompiler / Disassembler written in
  • APNG Disassembler This program converts APNG file into a sequence of
  • ZILF A set of tools for working with the ZIL interactive fiction
  • JTools for Ruby JTools.Ruby is easy way to access Java 2 class-files via
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Gforth is the Forth implementation of the GNU project(Current release 0.7.3, havea look to theUser Manual). Sourcedistributions can be found onGNU's Gforth directory, source and binarydistributions for popular platforms such as Windows, GNU/Linux,etc. can be found inHome of Gforth, as well assnapshotsof the development versionin the git repository on Savannah. Read the updated documentation for thesnapshots in Gforth's snapshot manual.

Gforth uses GCC to compile a fast direct or indirect threaded Forth;Gforth is fully ANS FORTH compliant. Authors of Gforth are Anton Ertl, Bernd Paysan, Jens Wilke, Neal Crook, David Kühling and others.

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The goal of the Gforth Project is to develop a standard model for ANSIForth. This can be split into several subgoals:

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  • Gforth should conform to the ANSI/200x Forth standard.
  • It should be a model, i.e. it should define all theimplementation-dependent things.
  • It should become standard, i.e. widely accepted and used. This goalis the most difficult one.

To achieve these goals Gforth should be

  • Similar to previous models (fig-Forth, F83)
  • Powerful. It should provide for all the things that are considerednecessary today and even some that are not yet considered necessary.
  • Efficient. It should not get the reputation of being exceptionallyslow.
  • Free.
  • Available on many machines/easy to port.
Disassemblers for mac pro

There's an object oriented package, written in almost plain ANS Forth (now part of Gforth's distribution).


User-visible changes between 0.7.2 and 0.7.3:

Bug fixes
Backported protection against glibc math functions clobbering TOS

User-visible changes between 0.7.1 and 0.7.2:

Bug fixes
Makefile fixes for installing

User-visible changes between 0.7.0 and 0.7.1:

Bug fixes
amd64 gdb disassembler works with syntax change (autodetected) workaround for gcc 4.6 and 4.7 problems (newline and superinstructions)
changed repository from CVS to git

User-visible changes between 0.6.2 and 0.7.0:

Requirements:: At run-time requires libtool and gcc (for the libcc C interface) and gdb (for the disassembler (SEE)) on some platforms.
automatic performance tuning on building (--enable-force-reg unnecessary)
report performance and functionality problems at end of 'make'
autogen.sh now exists
Changed to GPLv3
Bug fixes
Now works with address-space randomization.
The single-step debugger works again in some engines.
Many others.
AMD64, ARM, IA-64 (Itanium): better performance
PPC, PPC64: disassembler and assembler
Gforth EC: R8C, 4stack, misc, 8086 work
MacOS X: better support
New flags --ignore-async-signals, --vm-commit (default overcommit),--print-sequences
Forth 200x:
X:extension-query: produce true for all implemented extensions
X:required REQUIRED etc. (not new)
X:defined: [DEFINED] and [UNDEFINED]
X:parse-name: PARSE-NAME (new name)
X:deferred: deferred words (new: DEFER@ DEFER! ACTION-OF)
X:structures: +FIELD FIELD: FFIELD: CFIELD: etc.
X:fp-stack (not new)
X:number-prefixes (partially new, see below)
Number prefixes:
0x is a hex prefix: 0xff and 0XfF now produces (decimal) 255
is a decimal prefix: 10 now produces (decimal) 10
Signs after the number prefix are now accepted, e.g, -50.
' now only handles a single (x)char: 'ab is no longer accepted, 'a' now produces (decimal) 97
Unicode support (currently supports only uniform encoding):
added xchars words for dealing with variable-width multi-byte characters
provide 8bit (ISO Latin 1) and UTF-8 support for xchars
New words:
LIB-ERROR (complements OPEN-LIB)
OUTFILE-EXECUTE INFILE-EXECUTE BASE-EXECUTE (limited change of global state)
16-bit and 32-bit memory acces: UW@ UL@ SW@ SL@ W! L! W@ L@ W L
NEXT-ARG SHIFT-ARGS (OS command-line argument processing)
NOTHROW (for backtrace control)
FTRUNC FMOD (undocumented)
SEE-CODE SEE-CODE-RANGE (show generated dynamic native code)
Improvements/changes of existing words:
S', .' now support <l, >m, <z, and limits hex and octal character specs.>
OPEN-FILE with W/O no longer creates or truncates files (no compat. file)
OPEN-LIB now understands at the start, like OPEN-FILE.
TRY...ENDTRY changed significantly, compatibility files available (see docs).
The disassembler (DISCODE) can now use gdb to disassemble code
Uninitialized defered words now give a warning when executed
Division is floored (disable with 'configure --enable-force-cdiv')
Gforth (not gforth-fast) reports division by zero and overflow on divisionon all platforms.
Newly documented words:
Environment variable GFORTHSYSTEMPREFIX (used by word SYSTEM and friends)
C interface:
exported symbols now start with 'gforth_' (for referencing them from C code)
libcc C function call interface (requires libtool and gcc at run-time)
alternative: undocumented libffi-based interface
depth-changes.fs: report stack depth changes during interpretation
ans-report.fs now reports CfV extensions
fsl-util.4th: FSL support files (undocumented)
regexp.fs for regular expressions (undocumented)
complex.fs for complex numbers (undocumented)
fft.fs for Fast Fourier Transform (undocumented)
wf.fs, a Wiki implementation (undocumented)
httpd.fs, a web server (undocumented)
status.fs, show interpreter status in separate xterm (undocumented)
profile.fs for profiling (undocumented, incomplete)
endtry-iferror.fs, recover-endtry.fs to ease the TRY change transition
test/tester.fs: Now works with FP numbers (undocumented)
test/ttester.fs: Version of tester.fs with improved interface (T{...}T).
compat library:
Speed improvements:
automatic performance tuning on building
static stack caching (good speedup on PPC)
mixed-precision division is now faster
support for int128 types on AMD64
workarounds for gcc performance bugs (in particular, PR 15242)
branch target alignment (good speedup on Alpha).

User-visible changes between 0.6.1 and 0.6.2:

Bug fixes
(in particular, gforth-0.6.2 compiles with gcc-3.3)
New words:
Operating environment:
Added optional support for a C interface built on the ffcall libraries (more portable and powerful than the old one, but still not documented). To use it, the ffcall libraries have to be installed before building Gforth (see INSTALL).
Gforth-fast now uses static superinstructions (some speedup on some platforms); generally this is transparent (apart from the speedup), but there are lots of command-line options for controlling the static superinstruction generation.

User-visible changes between 0.6.0 and 0.6.1:

Bug fixes (installation on big-endian machines sometimes did not work)

User-visible changes between 0.5.0 and 0.6.0:

Changes in behaviour:

  • S': interpreted use now ALLOCATEs the string (they live until BYE).
  • Long word names (512MB on 32-bit systems) are now supported (change to the header format).
  • New threaded code execution method: primitive-centric (allows the following), hybrid direct/indirect threaded (easier portability), with dynamic superinstructions (typical speedup on Athlon: factor 2). New engine gforth-itc for dealing with some potential backwards-compatibility problems (see 'Direct or Indirect Threaded?' in the manual).

Operating environment:

  • Default dictionary size is now 4MB.
  • Large file support on OSs that support them (i.e., files with more than 2GB on 32-bit machines).
  • Gforth can now deal well with broken pipes in most situations.
  • vi tags files can be built with tags.fs(usage like etags.fs).
  • gforth.el mostly rewritten.
  • New image file format.

New words:

  • Programming tools: ID. .ID WORDLIST-WORDS SIMPLE-SEE
  • Conditional execution: [DEFINED][UNDEFINED]
  • Defining Words: CONST-DOES>]]
  • String comparison: STR= STR< STRING-PREFIX?
  • String literals: S' .' '-PARSE
  • Floating point output: F.RDP F>STR-RDP F>BUF-RDP


  • Generalized prims2x.fs into Vmgen (see README.vmgen etc.); used the new capabilities in prims (e.g., automatic handling of the return stack and instruction stream).

User-visible changes between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0:

Changes in behaviour:

  • There are now two engines: the fast engine (gforth-fast) is atleast as fast as gforth in earlier releases; the debugging engine(gforth) supports precise backtracing for signals (e.g., illegalmemory access), but is slower by a factor of 1-2.
  • Block files now start at block 0 by default (instead of block 1). If you have block files around, prepend 1024 bytes to convert them, or do a 1 OFFSET ! to establish the old behaviour.
  • Gforth now does not translate newlines to LFs on reading. Instead, READ-LINE now interprets LF, CR, and CRLF as newlines. Newlines on output are in the OSs favourite format.
  • SEE now disassembles primitives (or hex- DUMPs the code if no disassembler is available).
  • >HEAD (aka >NAME) now returns 0 (instead of the nt of ???) on failure.
  • Syntax of prim changed: stack effects are now surrounded by parentheses, tabs are insignificant.

Operating environment:

  • Gforth now produces a backtrace when catching an exception.
  • On platforms supporting the Unix 98 SA_SIGINFO semantics, you get more precise error reports for SIGSEGV and SIGFPE (e.g., 'stack underflow' instead of 'Invalid memory address').
  • Gforth now produces exit code 1 if there is an error (i.e., an uncaught THROW) in batch processing.
  • You can use ' gforthmi --application ...' to build an image thatprocesses the whole command-line when invoked directly (instead ofthrough gforth -i).


  • AIX.
  • 20% speedup on 604e under powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu,
  • 19%-29% speedup on Celeron with gcc-2.95.

New words:

Disassemblers For Mac Pro

  • Missing ANS Forth words: EKEY EKEY? EKEY>CHAR
  • Timing words: CPUTIME UTIME
  • Vector arithmetic: V*FAXPY
  • FP comparison: F~ABSF~REL
  • Deferred words: [IS]
  • Nested number output:

  • Exception handling: TRY RECOVER ENDTRY
  • Other: ]L PUSH-ORDER


  • Significant extensions to the manual (added an introduction,among other things), many of them due to a new team member: NealCrook.
  • Added assemblers and disassemblers for 386, Alpha, MIPS (thanks tocontributions by Andrew McKewan, Bernd Thallner, and ChristianPirker). Contributions of assemblers and disassemblers for otherarchitectures are welcome.

User-visible changes between 0.3.0 and 0.4.0:

Operating environment:

  • Path handling: '.' at the start of the path represents the directorythe nearest enclosing file resides in (if there is none: the workingdirectory). '~+' indicates the working directory. The default path nowhas '.' in front.
  • gforth and gforthmi is now more GNU standards compliant (wrtcommand-line options).
  • New command-line-option: --die-on-signal
  • Errors are now directed to stderr.
  • Stdout is now unbuffered, if it is a tty.
  • User input device redirection (for filters) is now possible.


  • Now runs on IRIX (and other MIPS-based systems withoutlinker-flag -d). Direct threading now works on PowerPC (20% speedup on604e). Better support for m68k (thanks to Andreas Schwab and JorgeAcereda). It is possible to create executables that contain the image(for non-OS systems).
  • Added a lot of embedded control (EC) stuff. Supported controllersand small CPUs are Siemens C16x, 8086, 6502, Mixed-Mode's FPGA MISC,Bernd Paysan's 4stack processor. Not finished: ShBoom alias PSC1000,H8, AVR.

New, changed, and removed words:

  • Renamed F0 to FP0(avoids unexpected behaviour in hex), added aliases SP0, RP0, LP0(recommended for future use) for S0, R0, L0.
  • Renamed PARSE-WORD into SWORD(PARSE-WORD is used with the meaning of NAME in OpenBoot anddpans6 A.6.2.2008)
  • Added FPICK(suggested by Julian Noble).
  • Added EXCEPTION.
  • S' gforth' ENVIRONMENT? now produces the version-string.
  • Changed representation of types in struct package, andcorrespondingly changed names.


  • Plain text documentation is now available in doc/gforth.txt.Documentation improvements.
  • Wordlist structure changed.
  • Added mini-oof.
  • Reorganized files: added directories and reorganized many files into them; renamed files into 8.3 format to work with completely broken systems (but there are again some files that won't work there).
  • Bug fixes.
  • Various changes without log information only known as mega-patches. Cross compiler now also supports compilation only for undefined or forward referenced words. Plugins to support some native code generation (for PSC1000).
  • More files in the compat library.

Disassemblers For Mac Os

Mailing List

There's a mailing list around Gforth-related topics:gforth@gnu.org.

Read old postings in the list archive of the Gforth list.


Subscribe by filling out theForm here.

Hopper Disassembler Mac

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This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Disassemblers For Mac Download

Created 21may1997. Last modified: 10nov2015 by Bernd Paysan